Thursday, May 20, 2010

Systemimager and KVM guests - tips

Recently I've been figuring out how to deploy kvm guests with systemimager and pxe. This is a continuation of my previous story.

If you go for kvm you will probably end up using virtio network and virtio-hdd drivers with your guests as they provide best performance. Using these drivers implies some strange hdd naming. You place your instalation od /dev/vda instead of /dev/sda. Unfortunately systemimager (or better - systeminstaller - one of its components), will not recognize vda disks properly which leads to some complications.

Normally, when you run si_prepareclient on your golden-client, partitioning configuration is placed in file /etc/systemimager/autoinstallscript.conf in section <config><disk> (this is done by systeminstaller in fact). Then this section is used by si_mkautoinstallscript to generate parted commands in your <imagename>.master script. In case of /dev/vda disk, the <config><disk> section is empty, therefore you don't get the partitioning section in .master script. Due to this, deployment of your kvm guest image will fail as no partitions will be created. You may either want to debug systeminstaler (try do tebug perl code ;-) or just work it around, which is what I chose.

What you need to do
First, manually add the <disk> section on the golden client to /etc/systemimager/autoinstallscript.conf after you run si_prepareclient. The file might now be looking like this. The <disk> section is in italics.

This one is taken from redhat with no LVM, the hdd size is 12gb, and 2gb go for swap:
<disk dev="/dev/vda" label_type="msdos" unit_of_measurement="MB">
This disk's output was brought to you by the partition tool "parted",
and by the numbers 4 and 5 and the letter Q.
<part num="1" size="101" p_type="primary" p_name="-" flags="boot" />
<part num="2" size="10676" p_type="primary" p_name="-" flags="-" />
<part num="3" size="2097" p_type="primary" p_name="-" flags="-" />

<fsinfo line="10" real_dev="/dev/vda2" mount_dev="LABEL=/" mp="/" fs="ext3" options="defaults" dump="1" pass="1" />
<fsinfo line="20" real_dev="/dev/vda1" mount_dev="LABEL=/boot" mp="/boot" fs="ext3" options="defaults" dump="1" pass="2" />
<fsinfo line="30" real_dev="tmpfs" mp="/dev/shm" fs="tmpfs" options="defaults" dump="0" pass="0" />
<fsinfo line="40" real_dev="devpts" mp="/dev/pts" fs="devpts" options="gid=5,mode=620" dump="0" pass="0" />
<fsinfo line="50" real_dev="sysfs" mp="/sys" fs="sysfs" options="defaults" dump="0" pass="0" />
<fsinfo line="60" real_dev="proc" mp="/proc" fs="proc" options="defaults" dump="0" pass="0" />
<fsinfo line="70" real_dev="/dev/vda3" mount_dev="LABEL=SWAP-vda3" mp="swap" fs="swap" options="defaults" dump="0" pass="0" />

<boel devstyle="udev"/>


Second: pull the image from the golden-client (si_getimage).

Third: check your /var/lib/systemimager/scripts/<imagename>.master if it contains "parted" section (cat <imagename>.master |grep parted or something like this should verify this).

Fourth: have your image deployed to a new vm:
si_mkclientnetboot --image yourimage --flavor yourimage
The --flavor is needed to use a kernel with virtio drivers for deployment - it needs to recognize your /dev/vda and virtio ethernet.

That's all. Reboot your new vm with pxe boot and watch your image being deployed.
Comments welcome ;-)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My virtualization choice for 2010

Recently I've come to the point where I need to switch to a different virtualization platform in my datacenter. I've been using vmware ESX/ESXi but while my infrastructure grew, maintaining a farm of ESX/ESXi servers has become - let's say it shortly - a pain ;-). Lots of competitive platforms have emerged recently which are in my opinion better than ESXi (even if free), so I decided to switch to one of them. There was a lot of hesitation in my choice - so here is a story about it.

In fact, if you don't want to go into vmware, you are left with a choice between XEN and KVM. So the first thing I did was just enabling them on my plain systems. I found Xen to be rock-solid and fast and this was definitely my favourite. I tested some xen guests with my production load and the performance loss was minimal. My production distro was working flawlessly. On the downside - pxe is not supported by xen out-of-the-box (you can have it with pypxeboot package). Also xen seems a bit behind the mainstream with its old kernel (still 2.6.18). KVM was worse on performance, which I think was due to virtio drivers. With my production load I mainly hit limits with virtio-net rendering large number of interrupts - system cpu would jump high. I also needed to switch to newer version of my distro to have virtio support out of the box. On the other hand, KVM receives lots of development and bleeding edge features (e.g. page merging).

Both Xen and KVM share similar downsides:
-> lack of documentation, especially on networking. I have a multiple vlan environment. To get it to work, I spent several hours browsing through forums and putting scraps of information together ;-)
-> lack of fine management interface. Both kvm and xen on ubuntu/redhat, use virt-manager from redhat which I don't like. There is also ovirt but afaik it's not intended for production use now. There are probably some more on sourceforge, but I did not test. If you know any - just comment.

So now when the hypervisor was chosen, I just need to find a distro on which I want to run Xen. I decided to go into Citrix XenServer. It's just ready to run appliance. Multi-vlan environment is handled out of the box and documentation provided. Also console is nice, though windows-based.


But finally I ended up with KVM. ;-) Citrix and Redhat are now main contributors to xen. Recently redhat 6 beta has come out. Following was the press release stating that redhat is totally dropping xen in release 6 and goes to kvm instead. So right now I think Citrix being th only developer of xen is in a position similar to vmware. So if I choose Xen, I am going to lock myself into a deal with one company. And now that redhat officially goes into kvm, I suppose they will commit lots of code to it. So I decided I can live for some time with worse performance than Xen and wait for redhat 6 and their stability patches to kvm.

As a platform for KVM I chose proxmox which totally ROCKS in my opinion. It's debian under the hood with pretty recent kernel (2.6.32 AFAIR). When you install it, it's just ready to go. Being debian, proxmox can be deployed in numbers easily with systemimager/preseed. I also expect puppet integration to be a snap. You don't need to download any license keys as it is with XenServer and Vmware. Vlan setup turned out to be easy, gui is web-based and works flawlessly. So right now proxmox is my 100% hit.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Consistency in the datacenter

One of the main challenges of system administration is dealing with chaos.
This is in fact one of the features of the world we live in. Every construction degrades over time. Every organized structure turns into chaos if not maintained approprietaly.

At its birth, the server is just like an innocent child. Clean, lean,configured, doing what's it designed for. Over time, developers, sysadmins, etc.
(whoever has access to it) introduce changes to this setup. Some of them are made by you and hopefully are recorded somewhere. Some of them you probably don't authorize and don't even know they were performed. One day you find yourself saying "Where the fuck this load is comming from?" And you discover that something that was once designed to be a plain mysql server now runs apache, nfs and a whole bunch of other stuff.

Of course life of a sysadmin is hard. You got lots of machines and hardly have time to record every single thing you've done on each of them. You want certain aspects of your systems to be the same on every single server. For example you want every machine to get its time from your company's ntp server, log to a remote logging server, get its hostname from local dns, etc. etc..

This can be called configuration consistency management. Usually when talking
about large server farms people focus on rapid deployment (1000 machines in an
hour - large numbers are impressive). But in fact this is not the deployment itself which poses the greatest challenge. Maintaining configuration over time is much harder.

So how you do it? Depends on what farm you are running. If you run a homogenic
computational cluster, you probably have just one type setup that every worker node in the cluster should have. If you work for a dotcom, you are probably dealing with larger number of configs (database servers, www servers, cache servers etc.). Also if the dotcom runs more than one website, the number aforementioned server types is multiplied. Add different linux distributions, bsd, solaris to the mix and you find yourself in the middle of chaos.

In case of homogeneous server farm, you are likely to have just one configuration to maintain. Your focus is not on imposing server configuration, but rather on maintaining a consisitent server image over time. When you deal with different configurations, different websites, you probably want to control only certain aspects of every server (ntp for example), while others are left untouched and can be modified directly by people working on a certain website (users, groups, etc).

The tool I recommend for running a homogenic system farm is systemimager ( It is a suite which combines automated deployment (via pxe & rsync/torrent), and further server management. You install one cluster node, get its image to the systemimager server. The image is located in a directory into which you can chroot and make changes. You deploy the image on the nodes with pxe. A small linux distro loads itself into a ramdisk first. The distro creates filesystems and rsync-s the image from systemimager server. And
here comes the most interesting part about consistency. After you have deployed all your systems and you need to update them, there's no need to go to all servers,run scripts, etc. You just chroot into your image, intall software, add users, whatever. Then you rsync your image to the nodes. And voila - all your nodes are upgraded and in consistent state. Of course systemimager is smart enough and will not overwrite anything in /home, /tmp, /varetc.. Downside - AFAIK it now supports fully only linux

If you run lots of different system types, systemimager is probably not the best
choice for you, as you would need to have a separate image for every single node
type. Puppet ( is probably better here. Puppet is a language to describe system configuration. You can specify which packages must be present, users to be added, services to be running. A process "puppetd" runs on every node and and applies this configuration periodically. You can have
classes of nodes for different hardware types, different services. What's important - you can model only certain aspects of your configuration and leave others untouched.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Systemimager & puppet

I've recently read this article on puppet wiki describing how to deploy systems for puppet. The method uses kickstart and cobbler. Here I describe how to provision systems for puppet with systemimager.

The goal
Do a bare metal provisioning of a huge number of servers with systemimager.
Have them automagically registered in puppet.

Why I do it
Systemimager has certaing advantages over deploying servers with kickstart or preseed:
-> It is distro-independent
-> It scales (installations can be done with torrent which enables you to deploy several hundreds nodes in around 10 minutes - there is a paper on this on systemimager website)
-> Deployed image is always the same as opposed to kicstart. In kickstart the resulting OS is based on the state (version of packages) in repos from which it has been installed. So unless you keep a local mirror on which you control package versions, you cannot really ensure that OSes you are deploying are equal. So if you decide to re-deploy a system a month later you might find that it's different from your previous installations.
-> Images can be easily modified further on and changes can be put to the clients without interrupting their work (if you want to update a client image, just chroot into it and do apt-get update or yum update - as simple as that ;-). Then populate the change to clients with systemimager tools. They will sync the changes you've done in your image to clients.
-> You can easily monitor progress/errors of your installation with systemimager-monitor
-> With systemimager you get not only a deployment solution, but also cluster management tools like parallel shell, file syncing and - most important - si_updateclient utility. Suppose you have deployed your image to servers and forgot to put your software in /opt. You chroot into your reference image on systemimager-server and untar your software. Then you run si_updateclient on the client and voila changes are synced - your package is installled on the client. This finely complements puppet which is not designed to transfer large data with profiles.

-> I assume that a flavour of linux is to be deployed (any distro *NOT* using grub2 will do). Examples are based on centos.
-> You have a systemimager-server installed and running. This requires dhcp, pxe-boot and storage for images, all of them set up for systemimager. Systemimager has a set of wizards for it.
-> You have puppetmaster instance already in place.

Procedure overwiev
-> Manually install basic, mini linux on one of your new servers. You only install basic release of your linux flavour (just like "Base installation" in centos). This speeds up deployments as the image hass less files.
-> Prepare it for puppet
-> Have its image retrieved by systemimager
-> Deploy the image to other systems
-> Register all systems in puppet

Step 1: Install linux reference image
No comments here - just use your distro iso ;-)

Step 2: Modify the OS to operate with puppet
First install ntpd and configure it. Puppet uses certificates for security. It's likely that hwclock on new servers does not show correct time. So the csr generated by puppet might be valid somewhere in the future or far in the past. Even if it is signed by the puppetmaster, It will not be valid at the time of deployment.
Install puppet client and configure it to point to your puppetmaster & start at boottime.
Install systemimager-client.
Edit /etc/systemimager/updateclient.local.exclude and add /var/lib/puppet/ (if you do further management using systemimager suite, contents of this directory will be left untouched).
Configure passwordless ssh to your clients from systemimager-server. Generate ssh-keys without passphrase (or have a passphrase and further use ssh-agent to cache it) on systemimager-server. Copy ./root/ssh/ to your clients to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
Do further modifications as you like.

Step 3: Retrieve golden client image with systemimager
Please, see systemimager manual for details. This is general procedure:

On the systemimager-server:
/etc/init.d/systemimager-server-rsyncd start

On the "golden client":
si_prepareclient --server systemimager-server-ip

On the systemimager-server:
si_getimage --image img-name --golden-client client-ip-addr

The image is stored in a plain dir in /var/lib/systemimager/images/. You can chroot into it and adjust if you forgot something in step 2.

Step 4: Deploy the image to other systems
On the systemimager-server prepare other clients to pxe-boot:
si_mkclientnetboot --netboot --clients ip-list-of-nodes --image img-name

This command generates dhcp,pxe,tftp configuration for your clients so that they install the image next time they boot.

Reboot your new servers and watch them deploying the image ;-) (You might have time for a cup of coffe here unless you are using torrents for deployment which is extremely fast ;-)

After the last node is deployed, run:
si_mkclientnetboot --localboot --clients ip-list-of-nodes
This makes nodes boot from local hdd instead of pxe.

Step 5: Register new clients with puppet
After reboot, all you need to do is to sign new nodes' certificates as they appear. They are ready for puppet configuration. If you have problems at this stage (not all clients appear in puppet etc.), you may use parallel shell from systemimager to troubleshoot (just like: si_psh --hosts 'host_list' 'puppetd --verbose -o'). For this stuff you enabled passwordless login in your image.

I think the procedure described here is a more versatile replacement for kickstart and preseed instalations. Besides, systmemimager a great cluster management tool by itself.
-> It's faster and less complicated.
-> You don't need a local copy of your repo.
-> Easy to fine tune your images (no scripting for this as it is with kickstart).
-> Systemimager configures pxe, dhcp, tftp stuff for you.
-> If you have a homogenic cluster (HPC worker nodes are a good example) not so big, you may find that you don't even need puppet to manage it. Systemimager will do.

I mention systemimager in some of my posts. Please, check them out on the tag cloud.
Comments are very welcome as usual ;-)